Saturday 6 August 2011

The need for love

Because of the evil in the world, there is pain. Terrible acts committed because sin gets the better of us... and some sin has a much more negative impact than other sin. But when a wound is made, we have a choice.

We can choose to hold the wound open, never letting the scars heal; a constant reminder of how we have been wronged.

Or we can choose to forgive the offender, to let the wound heal.

Although bad things happen – and in no way do I want to down-play such atrocities against our children and young people – we can choose to make a stand against it, to protect our children’s childhoods, to declare that we will not let evil dictate our policies.

We can focus on the past, living with the fear that because it has happened before, it may happen again...

Or we can look to the future... and decide that from this moment on we will strive for a better world: one in which our actions are more than just a reaction to evil; one which is dictated by love.

Love must conquer all.

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